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Government Building

Advocacy Toolkit 



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Calling others to action is what Advocacy is all about - whether elected officials that hold local, state or national office; or stakeholders from state, national organizations, or others in your community, your efforts are never wasted.  


Here are helpful tips on how to write an effective advocacy letter and share your story in a compelling way.


Download an editable template, or copy and paste the following:


Here are helpful tips on how on how to write an effective letter.


[Your Name and Address]
Andy Advocate
123 Main Street
Anytown, Any state


Month day, year

[Recipient Name and Address]

The Honorable [REPRESENTATIVE’S FIRST NAME, LAST NAME] U.S. House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515


Dear Representative [Last Name]: 

I am writing to you as a constituent and as a Traumatic Brain Injury Survivor regarding treatment and service coverage gaps for people with brain injuries. Today, I urge your support for the expansion of case management in underserved rural areas. 

My name is [Name] and I am an individual currently impacted by such service coverage gaps, which has led to a personal crisis that is also shared by others in my community with a brain injury. I am writing to ask that you consider the impact that the lack of case management has on people like me who are unable to receive the support and help needed to learn to adapt and become resilient while living with a brain injury. 


Studies show that early intervention and access to good quality healthcare and community support improves recovery outcomes for brain injury patients. Case managers are a necessary component in assisting brain injury patients and their caregivers navigate the complex healthcare systems as patient advocates.


Despite this, there is a large gap between brain injury patients who are eligible for free services that live in rural areas versus those living in the suburbs of the tri-state area. This issue is important because [describe your personal experience with this issue and how it has affected either you or someone you care about].


When people with brain injuries struggle to recover and return to their
communities as strong, healthy, and productive members of our society, we are doing them a great disservice. In your role, you have the ability to make a difference. That is why I strongly urge you to consider appropriating funds that would it make it possible to expand case management services in all communities. It would make a huge difference in the lives of people living with a brain injury and those who care for them. 


Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope that this letter helps you understand the importance of this widespread issue and you begin working towards ways to solve it. Please let me know that I can count on your support. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


[Your Name]




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